one obstacle gone, a new one arises

he talked to my parents. and even though he wasn't allowed right now, my mum said that in three years, it'll be okay. and my mum didn't show any hostilities. she seemed okay with the idea, and now he's on my mum's good side. it's a good thing i told him to ask my parents. my mum also said that it'll be okay if we were friends first, so now, i can ask him to come over without having to worry about my parents. yipee!

well, he told me that he'll wait for the three years. i was tempted to tell him that if he didn't want to wait, it was okay. he could find somebody else. i mean, i don't anyone to get hurt. well, i mean, it'd be better if i was the one hurt but he beat me to the punch. he said he'd wait a lifetime. three years would just be a blink. ^^

and maia officially broke up with nico. well, that it what philip tells me. i don't know what to say. i find it annoying because she loves him but shes giving up. i know she should be thinking of her happiness, but she shoudl strive to change the person she loves for the better. that's real love. unconditional love would require her to sacrifice for the growth of the other person. and because she loves him, she should try her best and never give up on the person.

god never gave up on us. he sacrificed so much to save us from eternal damnation. now that's love. i don't care if we're only human. that's a cliche and irrational argument. god made us in his likeness. the saints were only human too. jesus became human too. humans are god personified on earth. if god can do something, then so can we. if we strive too. loving others is not hard. one should just want whats best for the person we love and all will be fine. one's efforts will never go to waste.

well, i'm gonna go now. later guys!



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