here's a poem i's a 13 today and there was something in the wind...everything was going well yet everything was was a normal happy day yet an extraordinarily upsetting day...(what the hell am i writing?)
An Autumn's Song
The air is crisp, the wind is cool
Leaves are floating down to the ground
And the animals have started getting ready
And gathering food for the upcoming winter
The mood has been set up
And the actors are ready
All they have to do is
Portray their roles perfectly
The colors are changing
And so does the ambience
From a happy summer morning
To a cool autumn afternoon
And floating with the wind
Was a beautiful melody
An enchanting song
And autumn seemed warmer
Everywhere were couples cuddling together
Sharing their warmth with each other
Yet amidst the happiness around
A lone little girl stood in the middle
Only she could feel the cold wind
Only she could see through the facade
For even in the happiness being radiated
The winds of regret blew more fiery than before
And there she stood all alone
Unseen and unacknowledged
The winds blowing away her tears
Just as they started to fall
No one was there to keep her warm
And even thought everyone was supposed
To have their own special someone
She had no one at all
And in the air was a song
Floating along with the wind
A magical melody of love
All coming from the lonely girl
Both were unnoticed by the people around
As clouds started to gather in the sky
An autumn rain was coming up
And everyone left, except for the girl
Still unnoticed and still alone
Her heart a mirror of the season
An Autumn's Song
The air is crisp, the wind is cool
Leaves are floating down to the ground
And the animals have started getting ready
And gathering food for the upcoming winter
The mood has been set up
And the actors are ready
All they have to do is
Portray their roles perfectly
The colors are changing
And so does the ambience
From a happy summer morning
To a cool autumn afternoon
And floating with the wind
Was a beautiful melody
An enchanting song
And autumn seemed warmer
Everywhere were couples cuddling together
Sharing their warmth with each other
Yet amidst the happiness around
A lone little girl stood in the middle
Only she could feel the cold wind
Only she could see through the facade
For even in the happiness being radiated
The winds of regret blew more fiery than before
And there she stood all alone
Unseen and unacknowledged
The winds blowing away her tears
Just as they started to fall
No one was there to keep her warm
And even thought everyone was supposed
To have their own special someone
She had no one at all
And in the air was a song
Floating along with the wind
A magical melody of love
All coming from the lonely girl
Both were unnoticed by the people around
As clouds started to gather in the sky
An autumn rain was coming up
And everyone left, except for the girl
Still unnoticed and still alone
Her heart a mirror of the season