treading in the dark not knowing which way to go

Weird title? I just couldn't think of a cool but weird title. But what inspired it? I really don't know. And I don't think it even has a connection to what I'm going to try to discuss or to prove/disprove.

This whole thing started just a while ago. Before I left school. Kuya Mark, kuya Leo, and ate Vikki were inside the RR. And so was I. Kuya Mark found an "entry" that was written by Alphius about how to prove that girls were evil. Then, kuya Mark wrote, girls don't like boys. girls like cars and money.

As much as I believe that there are a majority of golddigger women in this world, I also firmly believe that there are women who aren't as shallow.

For me, there are three qualifications of women.

The first, those really shallow types who go for looks, wealth, and probably image. These are the women who are possibly golddiggers and the girls that kuya Mark is talking about.

The second are those who look at what's inside. These women go for what's inside and I don't mean the body organs inside which probably have blood and soft, weird feeling tissues. That's just ewwwwwwwwwww. They're the ones who have sweetness, love, care, compassion, empathy/symphathy for the girl they love.

The last are those who are driven by lust. They don't really care about money or what's inside but by the opposite sex' genitals. Well, most of the time it comes mixed with the first type but sometimes, it's just by itself.

Hehe...I'm probably super bangag (tagalog for: lacks sense of sanity for the time being or someone who really lacks sleep or is really sleepy but it means the first mostly... :P) today for me to be writing this. Oh, and for anyone's information (who might be making false assumptions on which category I fall under), I feel (more like know) that I'm of the second type. Hehe... :)

Well, tha's it for this entry. I'm going to sleep now because I'm kinda sleepy already which is probably making me really bangag. :P

Laterz! :)



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