
Showing posts from September, 2005

just some rantings

I just pre-enlisted for my subjects for next semester yesterday. The one think I can tell you is that I do not like my schedule for the next semester. I know it's still tentative and all but I really don't like it. Here's what I have so far: monday 1430-1730 - cs128 lab tuesday 700-830 - stat122 lab 900-1000 - stat122 lec 1030-1130 - stat130 lec 1130-1300 - cs132 1400-1600 - cs125 lec wednesday 1330-1530 - cs128 lec thursday 1430-1730 - stat130 lab friday 700-830 - stat122 lab 900-1000 - stat122 lec 1030-1130 - stat130 lec 1130-1300 - cs132 saturday 700-1000 - cs125 lab 1300-1600 - cs124 lab 1630-1830 - cs124 lec Reasons why this schedule sucks: I only have one class every Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Not only do I have one class on those days, those classes only last 2-3 hours. Not only do they last for only 2-3 hours, it's held in the afternoon, until 17:30. From 17:00 to 18:00, the LRT is full so I'll have to wait for 1...