just some rantings
I just pre-enlisted for my subjects for next semester yesterday. The one think I can tell you is that I do not like my schedule for the next semester. I know it's still tentative and all but I really don't like it. Here's what I have so far:
1430-1730 - cs128 lab
700-830 - stat122 lab
900-1000 - stat122 lec
1030-1130 - stat130 lec
1130-1300 - cs132
1400-1600 - cs125 lec
1330-1530 - cs128 lec
1430-1730 - stat130 lab
700-830 - stat122 lab
900-1000 - stat122 lec
1030-1130 - stat130 lec
1130-1300 - cs132
700-1000 - cs125 lab
1300-1600 - cs124 lab
1630-1830 - cs124 lec
1430-1730 - cs128 lab
700-830 - stat122 lab
900-1000 - stat122 lec
1030-1130 - stat130 lec
1130-1300 - cs132
1400-1600 - cs125 lec
1330-1530 - cs128 lec
1430-1730 - stat130 lab
700-830 - stat122 lab
900-1000 - stat122 lec
1030-1130 - stat130 lec
1130-1300 - cs132
700-1000 - cs125 lab
1300-1600 - cs124 lab
1630-1830 - cs124 lec
Reasons why this schedule sucks:
- I only have one class every Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
- Not only do I have one class on those days, those classes only last 2-3 hours.
- Not only do they last for only 2-3 hours, it's held in the afternoon, until 17:30. From 17:00 to 18:00, the LRT is full so I'll have to wait for 18:30 to come around before I leave school.
- My Saturdays are now jam-packed.
- I don't have an official rest day. Sundays are not included as rest days.
See? My schedule really sucks...
I got this weird problem from NarutoFever.com. It's pretty hard because I'm not sure of what I'm supposed to do. I'll post it here so you guys can try your hand at it.
Iruka devised a way to train the ninja academy students in the art of mass combat. These mock battles are divided into 2 rounds. Round A and Round B.
Round A : The students are allowed to fight against anyone and as many opponents they choose. (i.e. 1 nin can go against 5, or 3 can go against 7) However, the nins cannot change opponents.
Round B : The students must not spar with the opponents encounted in the previous round and must spar with all those they didn't fight in the first round.
This is to ensure that the weakest student will have a chance to fight the strongest of the lot and that the ninja-wannabes will be trained in fighting as a part of a group or against many. Each student is tagged numerically and Iruka draws up a table that lists the opponents of each student.
Question: In one particular battle, Iruka discovered that the table he gets in the 2nd round could be made identical to that in the 1st round simply by re-labelling the students. If all the students are now divided into squads of 4, what is the possible numbers of students that will be left over.
I have my finals exam for CS131 in Thursday next week. I'm praying that I get a high score because I don't want to fail my CS131 class again. Forst of all, I don't want Sir. Co to be my teacher again. I seriously don't like him. Secondly, I don't like the subject. I think it's kind of boring even though the topic is really interesting.
I took some quizzes from NarutoFever.com too. Here's my results:
The first test show which evil character from Naruto I most am. The second, the most compatible guy in Naruto for me, and the last, if I was a guy, this would be the girl from Naruto I'd be most compatible with.
http://www.fanfiction.net/~shahdee13. Ate Coriel's Fanfiction.net profile link. She's written a NejiTenten fic. I really recommend it. Warning though, it's a lemon.
Now here's a Naruto character quiz from Naruto-kun.com.

Which Naruto Character Are You?
Test by naruto - kun.com
http://www.fanfiction.net/~shahdee13. Ate Coriel's Fanfiction.net profile link. She's written a NejiTenten fic. I really recommend it. Warning though, it's a lemon.
Now here's a Naruto character quiz from Naruto-kun.com.
Which Naruto Character Are You?
Test by naruto - kun.com
The first time I took this, I remember getting Hinata. Now I'm Shino. I'm not complaining really. I like Shino. Except for the fact that bugs come out of him.
Today is Bea's birthday. Bea's a first year Biochemistry student. I wasn't able to go to her Debut today. Though, I do have a gift for her. I just hope that she'll like it. It's not that much of an expensive gift. I don't have money.
I think I've ranted long enough. I have classes tomorrow and I still want to try and insert an episode of Bleach today. Well, that's all. See ya! :)
Today is Bea's birthday. Bea's a first year Biochemistry student. I wasn't able to go to her Debut today. Though, I do have a gift for her. I just hope that she'll like it. It's not that much of an expensive gift. I don't have money.
I think I've ranted long enough. I have classes tomorrow and I still want to try and insert an episode of Bleach today. Well, that's all. See ya! :)