no body's perfect

My sister, Darianne, bought a book from their Book Fair entitled No Body's Perfect Journal by Kimberly Kirberger. I'm just starting to read it but it's more of a self-descovery journal than a book. It focuses on trying to help us feel good about ourselves, without compromising our identities. Just what I really need.

Here's some excerpts from the introduction of the book:

[...]The more I got to know myself, the more comfortable I felt being myself. I saw right away that when I relaxed and allowed myself to just be, everything felt better.

The most important goal you can set for yourself is to get to know yourself as you really are[...]Be relentless in your efforts to find the voice that is yours, and to discover who you are inside. Pay attention to what your personality is like, what you enjoy doing, and what makes you tick[...]

[...]Journaling is a proven technique for developing higher self-esteem and for answering that oh-so-important question: Who am I?

As you begin to find out more about who you are, it gets easier to recognize your true feelings and values. Healthier self-esteem naturally follows[...]

[...]but I think now about how different {my teen years} could've been if I had loved myself more and worried less about what others thought[...]

There you go. When I saw the title of this book, I knew I had to read it. When I read the introduction, I was determined to not only read it, but finish it too.

Well, I've got to go. I've got some answering to do. I'll probably be posting some of my answers to some of the questions of the book here. See you later. :)



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