new philo teacher

our new philo teacher is so cool. he's great. he likes countering all our arguments for he says he wants us to learn critical thinking. oh well. he's cool. even though he counters all my arguments too. hehe...

anyways, he wrote a poem. not only is he cool but talented. a literary (and philosophical) genius. here's the poem:

i shall die not knowing
abstract layug

i shall die not knowing
wht my life is for
to what purpose my existence
and my death serve.
i shall die not knowing
why i have to stay in this world
what my love, my happiness,
my pain, my suffering mean.
i shall die not knowing
what i have lived
why i have cried, why i have suffered,
why i have laughed, why i have smiled.
i shall die not knowing
what to expect from the gentle grave
to which myself shall be one,
to which myself shall decay.
i shall die not knowing what death is
what tomorrow may bring
to the fading light, to the dying night.
i shall die not knowing
what to know
what my death is for.

well, that's it. i'm gonna go now. later peeps! god bless!



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