the path

The Path

Here I am again,
Striding on this path of pain.
Why do I never learn
Considering the many times
I've tripped and been wounded?
I continue to wander aimlessly
On this road most people tread,
Instead of staying in the wild
Where the sprites, my guardians
Can keep protecting me.
But I keep wondering
What's beyond the forests?
Why do people stay there
When they just get hurt?
So I amble back
On that rough road,
Only to trip once again.
And with each fall,
The will to stay on the trail
Grows stronger, harder.
The many cuts and bruises
Can't stop me from going back.
My curiosity gets
The best of me.
I drift on the thoroughfare,
Sometimes walking,
Most of the time running.
I know this isn't right.
But I can't control it.
My feet won't go back.
I go on running,
Faster with each second.
The wind on my face
Cools my rushing blood.
I want to stop and go back
But I can't do it.
The chase has enchanted me,
Even though I don't know
What exactly I'm chasing.
The rush is so high.
My speed so fast.
I feel like I'm blown
Away by the winds.
I can't keep running.
My feet are so tired.
Adrenaline stops pumping
Throughout my body.
I slow down abruptly,
Too fast for my reflexes.
I trip again and fall
So hard on the ground.
I can't stand up.
The pain's too fierce.
So I lie there thinking
I should've stopped
From the beginning.
I shouldn't have let it go far.
I want to cry but I know I can't.
This is my fault.
I knew where I belong.
Yet I chose to stray from home.
And when I was ready
To give up and cry
Suddenly I see a hand
Reaching out to me
I look at the hand
And think and hesitate.
I stretch out and take the hand
And let the person pull me up.
I look up at the person
And see a smiling face.
I have to smile myself
And think that maybe, just maybe,
This wasn't so dreadful after all.

ehehe....just a poem that i wrote. well, i don't know if it's poem material but yeah. it's a poem. it's kinda weird. i've been meaning to write for a long time now but only got the time (and inspiration) to write it now.



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